这个系列是Physically Based Rendering: From Theory To Implementation的读书笔记,本节主要介绍光线追踪的相关知识。
在前面介绍过的所有辐照度、Monte Carlo积分等知识的基础上,我们终于可以开始实现具体的渲染算法了。回忆一下散射方程的相关概念,基于Monte Carlo积分我们可以对物体表面反(散)射出的radiance进行估计:
\[\begin{aligned} L_o(p, \omega_o) &= \int_{S^2} f (p, \omega_o, \omega_i) L_i(p, \omega_i) \vert \cos{\theta_i} \vert \ d \omega_i \\ &\approx \frac{1}{N} \sum_{j=1}^N \frac{f (p, \omega_o, \omega_j) L_i(p, \omega_j) \vert \cos{\theta_j} \vert}{p(\omega_j)} \end{aligned}\]在实际采样时我们一般会先从BRDF中采样光线,然后再从场景光源来采样光线。最后将这些光线样本按照一定的权重混合起来,这样的采样方法称为多重重要性采样(multiple importance sampling, MIS)。
Sampling Reflection Functions
,然后利用这两个方向再分别计算光线的概率以及对应的BxDF函数值。在默认实现中,我们使用了cosine weighted hemisphere sampling的方法来从半球上进行采样,光线的概率会存储到pdf
Spectrum BxDF::Sample_f(const Vector3f &wo, Vector3f *wi,
const Point2f &u, Float *pdf, BxDFType *sampledType) const {
// cosine-sample the hemisphere, flipping the direction if necessary
*wi = CosineSampleHemisphere(u);
if (wo.z < 0) wi->z *= -1;
*pdf = Pdf(wo, *wi);
return f(wo, *wi);
Float BxDF::Pdf(const Vector3f &wo, const Vector3f &wi) const {
return SameHemisphere(wo, wi) ? AbsCosTheta(wi) * InvPi : 0;
inline bool SameHemisphere(const Vector3f &w, const Vector3f &wp) {
return w.z * wp.z > 0;
上面介绍的这种采样方法对于Lambertian BRDF以及Oren–Nayar材质都有很好的表现,对于这些材质模型我们无需进行重载。
Microfacet BxDFs
对于微表面材质,我们可以利用法向分布函数$D(\omega_h)$来进行采样。实际上Torrance–Sparrow BSDF的函数形状基本由几何项$D(\omega_h)$来控制,因此直接从$D(\omega_h)$进行采样是更高效的方法。MicrofacetDistribution
virtual Vector3f Sample_wh(const Vector3f &wo,
const Point2f &u) const = 0;
对$D(\omega_h)$进行采样时可以直接对半球面上的所有法向进行采样。以Beckmann–Spizzichino分布为例,利用各向同性的性质可以将Beckmann–Spizzichino分布的PDF进行分解$p_h(\omega_h) = p_h(\theta) \cdot p_h(\phi)$。对于$\phi$,我们直接按照均匀分布进行采样:
\[\phi = 2 \pi \xi\]其中$\xi$是(0, 1)区间上的一个随机数。接着,根据$p_h(\theta)$进行采样:
\[p_h(\theta) = \frac{2 e^{-\tan^2 \theta / \alpha^2} \sin \theta}{\alpha^2 \cos^3 \theta}\]这里使用逆变换采样的方法进行处理,首先计算它的CDF:
\[P_j(\theta') = \int_0^{\theta'} \frac{2 e^{-\tan^2 \theta / \alpha^2} \sin \theta}{\alpha^2 \cos^3 \theta} \ d \theta = 1 -e^{-\tan^2 \theta' / \alpha^2}\]因此我们只需要令随机数$\xi$满足:
\[\xi = 1 -e^{-\tan^2 \theta' / \alpha^2}\]进而得到:
\[\tan^2 \theta' = -\alpha^2 \ln (1 - \xi)\]采样出$\phi$和$\tan^2 \theta$后就可以利用三角函数的变换公式来计算出法向$\omega_h$了。
\[D_\omega (\omega_h) = \frac{D(\omega_h) \ G_1(\omega, \omega_h) \ \max (0, \omega \cdot \omega_h)}{\cos \theta}\]其中$G_1$项表示微表面之间的自遮挡,$\frac{\max (0, \omega \cdot \omega_h)}{\cos \theta}$项则描述了不可见的背面以及投影后的面积。
从修正后的$D_\omega (\omega_h)$进行采样效率更高而且具有更小的方差。具体的采样方法可以参考源码如下:
static Vector3f BeckmannSample(const Vector3f &wi, Float alpha_x, Float alpha_y,
Float U1, Float U2) {
// 1. stretch wi
Vector3f wiStretched =
Normalize(Vector3f(alpha_x * wi.x, alpha_y * wi.y, wi.z));
// 2. simulate P22_{wi}(x_slope, y_slope, 1, 1)
Float slope_x, slope_y;
BeckmannSample11(CosTheta(wiStretched), U1, U2, &slope_x, &slope_y);
// 3. rotate
Float tmp = CosPhi(wiStretched) * slope_x - SinPhi(wiStretched) * slope_y;
slope_y = SinPhi(wiStretched) * slope_x + CosPhi(wiStretched) * slope_y;
slope_x = tmp;
// 4. unstretch
slope_x = alpha_x * slope_x;
slope_y = alpha_y * slope_y;
// 5. compute normal
return Normalize(Vector3f(-slope_x, -slope_y, 1.f));
static void BeckmannSample11(Float cosThetaI, Float U1, Float U2,
Float *slope_x, Float *slope_y) {
/* Special case (normal incidence) */
if (cosThetaI > .9999) {
Float r = std::sqrt(-std::log(1.0f - U1));
Float sinPhi = std::sin(2 * Pi * U2);
Float cosPhi = std::cos(2 * Pi * U2);
*slope_x = r * cosPhi;
*slope_y = r * sinPhi;
/* The original inversion routine from the paper contained
discontinuities, which causes issues for QMC integration
and techniques like Kelemen-style MLT. The following code
performs a numerical inversion with better behavior */
Float sinThetaI =
std::sqrt(std::max((Float)0, (Float)1 - cosThetaI * cosThetaI));
Float tanThetaI = sinThetaI / cosThetaI;
Float cotThetaI = 1 / tanThetaI;
/* Search interval -- everything is parameterized
in the Erf() domain */
Float a = -1, c = Erf(cotThetaI);
Float sample_x = std::max(U1, (Float)1e-6f);
/* Start with a good initial guess */
// Float b = (1-sample_x) * a + sample_x * c;
/* We can do better (inverse of an approximation computed in
* Mathematica) */
Float thetaI = std::acos(cosThetaI);
Float fit = 1 + thetaI * (-0.876f + thetaI * (0.4265f - 0.0594f * thetaI));
Float b = c - (1 + c) * std::pow(1 - sample_x, fit);
/* Normalization factor for the CDF */
static const Float SQRT_PI_INV = 1.f / std::sqrt(Pi);
Float normalization =
1 /
(1 + c + SQRT_PI_INV * tanThetaI * std::exp(-cotThetaI * cotThetaI));
int it = 0;
while (++it < 10) {
/* Bisection criterion -- the oddly-looking
Boolean expression are intentional to check
for NaNs at little additional cost */
if (!(b >= a && b <= c)) b = 0.5f * (a + c);
/* Evaluate the CDF and its derivative
(i.e. the density function) */
Float invErf = ErfInv(b);
Float value =
normalization *
(1 + b + SQRT_PI_INV * tanThetaI * std::exp(-invErf * invErf)) -
Float derivative = normalization * (1 - invErf * tanThetaI);
if (std::abs(value) < 1e-5f) break;
/* Update bisection intervals */
if (value > 0)
c = b;
a = b;
b -= value / derivative;
/* Now convert back into a slope value */
*slope_x = ErfInv(b);
/* Simulate Y component */
*slope_y = ErfInv(2.0f * std::max(U2, (Float)1e-6f) - 1.0f);
Vector3f BeckmannDistribution::Sample_wh(const Vector3f &wo,
const Point2f &u) const {
if (!sampleVisibleArea) {
// Sample full distribution of normals for Beckmann distribution
// Compute tan2Theta and phi for Beckmann distribution sample
Float tan2Theta, phi;
if (alphax == alphay) {
Float logSample = std::log(1 - u[0]);
if (std::isinf(logSample)) logSample = 0;
tan2Theta = -alphax * alphax * logSample;
phi = u[1] * 2 * Pi;
} else {
// Compute tan2Theta and phi for anisotropic Beckmann distribution
Float logSample = std::log(u[0]);
phi = std::atan(alphay / alphax *
std::tan(2 * Pi * u[1] + 0.5f * Pi));
if (u[1] > 0.5f)
phi += Pi;
Float sinPhi = std::sin(phi), cosPhi = std::cos(phi);
Float alphax2 = alphax * alphax, alphay2 = alphay * alphay;
tan2Theta = -logSample /
(cosPhi * cosPhi / alphax2 + sinPhi * sinPhi / alphay2);
// Map sampled Beckmann angles to normal direction wh
Float cosTheta = 1 / std::sqrt(1 + tan2Theta);
Float sinTheta = std::sqrt(std::max((Float)0, 1 - cosTheta * cosTheta));
Vector3f wh = SphericalDirection(sinTheta, cosTheta, phi);
if (!SameHemisphere(wo, wh)) wh = -wh;
return wh;
} else {
// Sample visible area of normals for Beckmann distribution
Vector3f wh;
bool flip = wo.z < 0;
wh = BeckmannSample(flip ? -wo : wo, alphax, alphay, u[0], u[1]);
if (flip) wh = -wh;
return wh;
Float MicrofacetDistribution::Pdf(const Vector3f &wo,
const Vector3f &wh) const {
if (sampleVisibleArea)
return D(wh) * G1(wo) * AbsDot(wo, wh) / AbsCosTheta(wo);
return D(wh) * AbsCosTheta(wh);
\[\begin{aligned} \frac{d \omega_h}{d \omega_i} &= \frac{\sin \theta_h \ d\theta_h \ d\phi_h}{\sin \theta_i \ d\theta_i \ d\phi_i} \\ &= \frac{\sin \theta_h \ d\theta_h \ d\phi_h}{\sin 2\theta_i \ 2 d\theta_i \ d\phi_i} \\ &= \frac{\sin \theta_h}{4 \cos \theta_h \ \sin \theta_h} \\ &= \frac{1}{4 \cos \theta_h} \\ &= \frac{1}{4 (\omega_i \cdot \omega_o)} \end{aligned}\]这样就可以得到pdf之间的变换关系:
\[p(\theta) = \frac{p_h (\theta_h)}{4 (\omega_i \cdot \omega_o)}\]综合这一节介绍过的所有内容,就可以得到重载后的微表面材质采样函数MicrofacetReflection::Sample_f()
Spectrum MicrofacetReflection::Sample_f(const Vector3f &wo, Vector3f *wi,
const Point2f &u, Float *pdf, BxDFType *sampledType) const {
// Sample microfacet orientation and reflected direction
Vector3f wh = distribution->Sample_wh(wo, u);
*wi = Reflect(wo, wh);
if (!SameHemisphere(wo, *wi)) return Spectrum(0.f);
// Compute PDF of wi for microfacet reflection
*pdf = distribution->Pdf(wo, wh) / (4 * Dot(wo, wh));
return f(wo, *wi);
Spectrum MicrofacetTransmission::Sample_f(const Vector3f &wo,
Vector3f *wi, const Point2f &u, Float *pdf,
BxDFType *sampledType) const {
Vector3f wh = distribution->Sample_wh(wo, u);
Float eta = CosTheta(wo) > 0 ? (etaA / etaB) : (etaB / etaA);
if (!Refract(wo, (Normal3f)wh, eta, wi))
return 0;
*pdf = Pdf(wo, *wi);
return f(wo, *wi);
Float MicrofacetTransmission::Pdf(const Vector3f &wo,
const Vector3f &wi) const {
if (SameHemisphere(wo, wi)) return 0;
// Compute wh from wo and wi for microfacet transmission
Float eta = CosTheta(wo) > 0 ? (etaB / etaA) : (etaA / etaB);
Vector3f wh = Normalize(wo + wi * eta);
// Compute change of variables dwh_dwi for microfacet transmission
Float sqrtDenom = Dot(wo, wh) + eta * Dot(wi, wh);
Float dwh_dwi = std::abs((eta * eta * Dot(wi, wh)) / (sqrtDenom * sqrtDenom));
return distribution->Pdf(wo, wh) * dwh_dwi;
Spectrum FresnelBlend::Sample_f(const Vector3f &wo, Vector3f *wi,
const Point2f &uOrig, Float *pdf, BxDFType *sampledType) const {
Point2f u = uOrig;
if (u[0] < .5) {
u[0] = 2 * u[0];
// Cosine-sample the hemisphere, flipping the direction if necessary
*wi = CosineSampleHemisphere(u);
if (wo.z < 0) wi->z *= -1;
} else {
u[0] = 2 * (u[0] - .5f);
// Sample microfacet orientation wh and reflected direction wi
Vector3f wh = distribution->Sample_wh(wo, u);
*wi = Reflect(wo, wh);
if (!SameHemisphere(wo, *wi)) return Spectrum(0.f);
*pdf = Pdf(wo, *wi);
return f(wo, *wi);
Float FresnelBlend::Pdf(const Vector3f &wo, const Vector3f &wi) const {
if (!SameHemisphere(wo, wi)) return 0;
Vector3f wh = Normalize(wo + wi);
Float pdf_wh = distribution->Pdf(wo, wh);
return .5f * (AbsCosTheta(wi) * InvPi +
pdf_wh / (4 * Dot(wo, wh)));
Specular Reflection and Transmission
Spectrum FresnelSpecular::Sample_f(const Vector3f &wo,
Vector3f *wi, const Point2f &u, Float *pdf,
BxDFType *sampledType) const {
Float F = FrDielectric(CosTheta(wo), etaA, etaB);
if (u[0] < F) {
// Compute specular reflection for FresnelSpecular
// Compute perfect specular reflection direction
if (sampledType)
*pdf = F;
return F * R / AbsCosTheta(*wi);
} else {
// Compute specular transmission for FresnelSpecular
// Figure out which is incident and which is transmitted
bool entering = CosTheta(wo) > 0;
Float etaI = entering ? etaA : etaB;
Float etaT = entering ? etaB : etaA;
// Compute ray direction for specular transmission
if (!Refract(wo, Faceforward(Normal3f(0, 0, 1), wo), etaI / etaT, wi))
return 0;
Spectrum ft = T * (1 - F);
// Account for non-symmetry with transmission to different medium
if (mode == TransportMode::Radiance)
ft *= (etaI * etaI) / (etaT * etaT);
if (sampledType)
*pdf = 1 - F;
return ft / AbsCosTheta(*wi);
Fourier BSDF
PBRT中还介绍了Fourier BSDF的采样方法,这里暂时略过。
Application: Estimating Reflectance
到目前为止我们已经完成了PBRT中大部分BxDF的采样函数,这里介绍一个对BxDF进行采样的应用:我们定义材质的定向半球反射率(hemispherical–directional reflectance)为给定出射方向$\omega_o$后BRDF在所有入射方向$\omega_i$上的积分:
\[\rho_{hd} (\omega_o) = \int_{H^2(\mathbf{n})} f_r(\omega_o, \omega_i) \ \vert \cos \theta_i \vert \ d \omega_i\]显然我们可以使用Monte Carlo积分来估计$\rho_{hd}$,它的估计公式为:
\[\rho_{hd} (\omega_o) \approx \frac{1}{N} \sum_{j=1}^N \frac{f_r(\omega_o, \omega_j) \ \vert \cos \theta_j \vert}{p(\omega_j)}\]在PBRT中使用BxDF::rho()
Spectrum BxDF::rho(const Vector3f &w, int nSamples,
const Point2f *u) const {
Spectrum r(0.);
for (int i = 0; i < nSamples; ++i) {
// Estimate one term of rho
Vector3f wi;
Float pdf = 0;
Spectrum f = Sample_f(w, &wi, u[i], &pdf);
if (pdf > 0) r += f * AbsCosTheta(wi) / pdf;
return r / nSamples;
类似地,我们同样可以估计半球反射率(hemispherical–hemispherical reflectance):
\[\begin{aligned} \rho_{hh} &= \frac{1}{\pi} \int_{H^2(\mathbf{n})} \int_{H^2(\mathbf{n})} f_r(\omega', \omega'') \ \vert \cos \theta' \cos \theta'' \vert \ d \omega' \ d \omega'' \\ &= \frac{1}{\pi N} \sum_{j=1}^N \frac{f_r(\omega_j', \omega_j'') \ \vert \cos \theta_j' \cos \theta_j'' \vert}{p(\omega_j') \ p(\omega_j'')} \end{aligned}\]Spectrum BxDF::rho(int nSamples, const Point2f *u1,
const Point2f *u2) const {
Spectrum r(0.f);
for (int i = 0; i < nSamples; ++i) {
// Estimate one term of rho
Vector3f wo, wi;
wo = UniformSampleHemisphere(u1[i]);
Float pdfo = UniformHemispherePdf(), pdfi = 0;
Spectrum f = Sample_f(wo, &wi, u2[i], &pdfi);
if (pdfi > 0)
r += f * AbsCosTheta(wi) * AbsCosTheta(wo) / (pdfo * pdfi);
return r / (Pi * nSamples);
Sampling BSDFs
Spectrum BSDF::Sample_f(const Vector3f &woWorld, Vector3f *wiWorld,
const Point2f &u, Float *pdf, BxDFType type,
BxDFType *sampledType) const {
// Choose which BxDF to sample
int matchingComps = NumComponents(type);
if (matchingComps == 0) {
*pdf = 0;
return Spectrum(0);
int comp = std::min((int)std::floor(u[0] * matchingComps),
matchingComps - 1);
// Get BxDF pointer for chosen component
BxDF *bxdf = nullptr;
int count = comp;
for (int i = 0; i < nBxDFs; ++i)
if (bxdfs[i]->MatchesFlags(type) && count-- == 0) {
bxdf = bxdfs[i];
// Remap BxDF sample u to [0, 1)^2
Point2f uRemapped(u[0] * matchingComps - comp, u[1]);
// Sample chosen BxDF
Vector3f wi, wo = WorldToLocal(woWorld);
*pdf = 0;
if (sampledType) *sampledType = bxdf->type;
Spectrum f = bxdf->Sample_f(wo, &wi, uRemapped, pdf, sampledType);
if (*pdf == 0)
return 0;
*wiWorld = LocalToWorld(wi);
// Compute overall PDF with all matching BxDFs
if (!(bxdf->type & BSDF_SPECULAR) && matchingComps > 1)
for (int i = 0; i < nBxDFs; ++i)
if (bxdfs[i] != bxdf && bxdfs[i]->MatchesFlags(type))
*pdf += bxdfs[i]->Pdf(wo, wi);
if (matchingComps > 1) *pdf /= matchingComps;
// Compute value of BSDF for sampled direction
if (!(bxdf->type & BSDF_SPECULAR) && matchingComps > 1) {
bool reflect = Dot(*wiWorld, ng) * Dot(woWorld, ng) > 0;
f = 0.;
for (int i = 0; i < nBxDFs; ++i)
if (bxdfs[i]->MatchesFlags(type) &&
((reflect && (bxdfs[i]->type & BSDF_REFLECTION)) ||
(!reflect && (bxdfs[i]->type & BSDF_TRANSMISSION))))
f += bxdfs[i]->f(wo, wi);
return f;