

这个系列是Physically Based Rendering: From Theory To Implementation的读书笔记,本节主要介绍PBRT中的纹理。


Sampling and Antialiasing

Sampling and Reconstruction一节中我们介绍过纹理是产生走样的重要因素之一。幸运的是纹理所导致的走样是相对容易处理的,实际上只要使用合适的方法我们无需在每个像素进行多次采样就能够渲染出纹理没有走样的图像。


  1. 确定纹理平面中的采样频率。
  2. 利用采样定律和采样频率来去除纹理中的高频信息。

Finding the Texture Sampling Rate

对于正交相机而言纹理的采样率是相对容易计算的。假设纹理图像位于NDC上由点(0, 0, 0)、(1, 0, 0)、(1, 1, 0)和(0, 1, 0)所定义的平面上,此时纹理坐标与图像坐标的转换关系为:

\[s = \frac{x}{x_r}, \ \ t = \frac{y}{y_r}\]

其中$(x_r, y_r)$为图像的分辨率。显然此时纹理图像上的采样间隔为$(\frac{1}{x_r}, \frac{1}{y_r})$,因此任何变化频率大于它的纹理特征都需要去除掉才能保证没有走样。

不难发现纹理采样的频率与纹理平面到NDC上映射的息息相关。对于更加复杂的情况可能很难解析地计算它们之间的映射关系,但我们仍然可以使用泰勒展开来进行近似。对于定义在图像平面上的任意二元函数$f(x, y)$,它的一阶泰勒展开为:

\[f(x', y') \approx f(x, y) + \frac{\partial f}{\partial x} (x' - x) + \frac{\partial f}{\partial y} (y' - y)\]

对于前面提到的正交相机的情况,偏导数项分别为$\frac{\partial s}{\partial x} = \frac{1}{x_r}$,$\frac{\partial s}{\partial y} = 0$,$\frac{\partial t}{\partial x} = 0$,$\frac{\partial t}{\partial y} = \frac{1}{y_r}$。显然这些偏导数对于估计纹理采样率起着重要的作用,而在PBRT中则使用光线微分RayDifferential类来存储这些偏导项。RayDifferential类继承自Ray,它包含原始光线和两条辅助光线。这两条辅助光线原点都位于相机中心,方向分别为原始光线在图像坐标上交点的x轴和y轴偏移1个像素。需要注意的是计算光线与场景求交时只考虑原始光线而不考虑两条辅助光线。

class RayDifferential : public Ray {
        // RayDifferential Public Data
        bool hasDifferentials;
        Point3f rxOrigin, ryOrigin;
        Vector3f rxDirection, ryDirection;


\[a x + b y + c z + d = 0\]

其中$a = \mathbf{n}_x$,$b = \mathbf{n}_y$,$c = \mathbf{n}_z$,$d = - (\mathbf{n} \cdot p)$。这样我们就可以利用交点$p$和辅助光线来计算各个偏导数:假设辅助光线和平面的交点分别为$p_x$和$p_y$,则偏导数可以近似为:

\[\frac{\partial p}{\partial x} \approx p_x - p, \ \ \frac{\partial p}{\partial y} \approx p_y - p\]

更进一步,由于x轴和y轴方向的偏移量是1个像素,我们可以忽略偏移量而直接使用偏导数来进行一阶近似。因此这里唯一需要计算的项是辅助光线和平面的交点$p_x$和$p_y$,我们可以利用光线与平面相交的方程来获得。对于平面$a x + b y + c z + d = 0$,光线与平面相交时的时间参数$t$为:

\[t = \frac{-(a, b, c) \cdot o - d}{(a, b, c) \cdot \mathbf{d}}\]



\[p' = p + \frac{\partial p}{\partial u} \Delta_u + \frac{\partial p}{\partial v} \Delta_v\]


\[\begin{bmatrix} p'_x - p_x \\ p'_y - p_y \\ p'_z - p_z \\ \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} \frac{\partial p_x}{\partial u} & \frac{\partial p_x}{\partial v} \\ \frac{\partial p_y}{\partial u} & \frac{\partial p_y}{\partial v} \\ \frac{\partial p_z}{\partial u} & \frac{\partial p_z}{\partial v} \\ \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \Delta_u \\ \Delta_v \end{bmatrix}\]

我们使用辅助光线的交点$p_x$和$p_y$来代替$p’$,求解两个方程组即可得到纹理平面关于图像平面的偏导数$(\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}, \frac{\partial v}{\partial x})$和$(\frac{\partial u}{\partial y}, \frac{\partial v}{\partial y})$。


void SurfaceInteraction::ComputeDifferentials( 
        const RayDifferential &ray) const {
    if (ray.hasDifferentials) {
        // Estimate screen space change in  and 
        // Compute auxiliary intersection points with plane
        Float d = -Dot(n, Vector3f(p.x, p.y, p.z));
        Float tx = (-Dot(n, Vector3f(ray.rxOrigin)) - d) /
                    Dot(n, ray.rxDirection);
        Point3f px = ray.rxOrigin + tx * ray.rxDirection;
        Float ty = (-Dot(n, Vector3f(ray.ryOrigin)) - d) /
                    Dot(n, ray.ryDirection);
        Point3f py = ray.ryOrigin + ty * ray.ryDirection;

        dpdx = px - p;
        dpdy = py - p;

        // Compute  offsets at auxiliary points
        // Choose two dimensions to use for ray offset computation
        int dim[2];
        if (std::abs(n.x) > std::abs(n.y) && std::abs(n.x) > std::abs(n.z)) {
            dim[0] = 1; dim[1] = 2;    
        } else if (std::abs(n.y) > std::abs(n.z)) {
            dim[0] = 0; dim[1] = 2;    
        } else {
            dim[0] = 0; dim[1] = 1;

        // Initialize A, Bx, and By matrices for offset computation
        Float A[2][2] = { { dpdu[dim[0]], dpdv[dim[0]] },
                          { dpdu[dim[1]], dpdv[dim[1]] } };
        Float Bx[2] = { px[dim[0]] - p[dim[0]], px[dim[1]] - p[dim[1]] };
        Float By[2] = { py[dim[0]] - p[dim[0]], py[dim[1]] - p[dim[1]] };

        if (!SolveLinearSystem2x2(A, Bx, &dudx, &dvdx))
            dudx = dvdx = 0;
        if (!SolveLinearSystem2x2(A, By, &dudy, &dvdy))
            dudy = dvdy = 0;

    } else {
        dudx = dvdx = 0;
        dudy = dvdy = 0;
        dpdx = dpdy = Vector3f(0, 0, 0);

Filtering Texture Functions


\[T_b' (x, y) = \int_{-\infty}^\infty \int_{-\infty}^\infty \text{sinc}(x') \text{sinc}(x') \ T'(f(x-x', y-y')) \ dx' \ dy'\]

接下来在屏幕空间上利用一个滤波器$g(x, y)$进行卷积来获得最终的纹理:

\[T_f' (x, y) = \int_{-\text{yWidth/2}}^\text{yWidth/2} \int_{-\text{xWidth/2}}^\text{xWidth/2} g(x', y') \ T_b' (x-x', y-y') \ dx' \ dy'\]

在实践中有时会完全忽略第二步只利用sinc()函数滤波后的结果来简化渲染流程,甚至是使用box filter来代替sinc()函数。这样做尽管会损失一些图像的质量,但可以极大地简化代码的复杂程度。


Ray Differentials for Specular Reflection and Transmission


\[p_x = p + \frac{\partial p}{\partial x}, \ p_y = p + \frac{\partial p}{\partial y}\]


\[\omega \approx \omega_i + \frac{\partial \omega_i}{\partial x}\]


\[\omega_i = -\omega_o + 2 (\omega_o \cdot \mathbf{n}) \mathbf{n}\]


\[\frac{\partial \omega_i}{\partial x} = - \frac{\partial \omega_o}{\partial x} + 2 \bigg( (\omega_o \cdot \mathbf{n}) \frac{\partial \mathbf{n}}{\partial x} + \frac{\partial (\omega_o \cdot \mathbf{n})}{\partial x} \mathbf{n} \bigg)\]


\[\frac{\partial (\omega_o \cdot \mathbf{n})}{\partial x} = \frac{\partial \omega_o}{\partial x} \cdot \mathbf{n} + \omega_o \cdot \frac{\partial \mathbf{n}}{\partial x}\]


RayDifferential rd = isect.SpawnRay(wi);
if (ray.hasDifferentials) {
    rd.hasDifferentials = true;
    rd.rxOrigin = isect.p + isect.dpdx;
    rd.ryOrigin = isect.p + isect.dpdy;

    // Compute differential reflected directions
    Normal3f dndx = isect.shading.dndu * isect.dudx +
                    isect.shading.dndv * isect.dvdx;
    Normal3f dndy = isect.shading.dndu * isect.dudy +
                    isect.shading.dndv * isect.dvdy;
    Vector3f dwodx = -ray.rxDirection - wo;
    Vector3f dwody = -ray.ryDirection - wo;

    Float dDNdx = Dot(dwodx, ns) + Dot(wo, dndx);
    Float dDNdy = Dot(dwody, ns) + Dot(wo, dndy);

    rd.rxDirection = wi - dwodx +
                     2.f * Vector3f(Dot(wo, ns) * dndx + dDNdx * ns);
    rd.ryDirection = wi - dwody +
                     2.f * Vector3f(Dot(wo, ns) * dndy + dDNdy * ns);

Texture Coordinate Generation


PBRT中使用TextureMapping2D类作为各种纹理坐标计算的基类,它通过TextureMapping2D::Map()函数来计算光线与曲面交点处的纹理坐标以及相关的导数。为了便于区分,我们记纹理平面上的坐标为(s, t)而曲面参数化平面上的坐标为(u, v)。TextureMapping2D基类的定义如下:

class TextureMapping2D {
    virtual ~TextureMapping2D() { }
    virtual Point2f Map(const SurfaceInteraction &si,
                        Vector2f *dstdx, Vector2f *dstdy) const = 0;


2D (u, v) Mapping


class UVMapping2D : public TextureMapping2D {
    UVMapping2D(Float su = 1, Float sv = 1, Float du = 0, Float dv = 0);
    Point2f Map(const SurfaceInteraction &si, Vector2f *dstdx,
                Vector2f *dstdy) const;

    const Float su, sv, du, dv;


\[s = s_u u + d_u\] \[t = s_v v + d_v\]


\[\begin{aligned} \frac{\partial s}{\partial x} &= \frac{\partial u}{\partial x} \frac{\partial s}{\partial u} + \frac{\partial v}{\partial x} \frac{\partial s}{\partial v} \\ &= s_u \frac{\partial u}{\partial x} \end{aligned}\]


Point2f UVMapping2D::Map(const SurfaceInteraction &si,
                         Vector2f *dstdx, Vector2f *dstdy) const {
    // Compute texture differentials for 2D (u, v) mapping
    *dstdx = Vector2f(su * si.dudx, sv * si.dvdx);
    *dstdy = Vector2f(su * si.dudy, sv * si.dvdy);

    return Point2f(su * si.uv[0] + du,
                   sv * si.uv[1] + dv);

Spherical Mapping


class SphericalMapping2D : public TextureMapping2D {
    SphericalMapping2D(const Transform &WorldToTexture)
           : WorldToTexture(WorldToTexture) { }
    Point2f Map(const SurfaceInteraction &si, Vector2f *dstdx,
                Vector2f *dstdy) const;

    Point2f sphere(const Point3f &p) const;
    const Transform WorldToTexture;

Point2f SphericalMapping2D::sphere(const Point3f &p) const {
    Vector3f vec = Normalize(WorldToTexture(p) - Point3f(0,0,0));
    Float theta = SphericalTheta(vec), phi = SphericalPhi(vec);
    return Point2f(theta * InvPi, phi * Inv2Pi);


\[\frac{\partial s}{\partial x} \approx \frac{f_s(\mathbf{p} + \Delta \frac{\partial \mathbf{p}}{\partial x}) - f_s(\mathbf{p})}{\Delta}\]
Point2f SphericalMapping2D::Map(const SurfaceInteraction &si,
        Vector2f *dstdx, Vector2f *dstdy) const {
    Point2f st = sphere(si.p);
    // Compute texture coordinate differentials for sphere  mapping
    const Float delta = .1f;

    Point2f stDeltaX = sphere(si.p + delta * si.dpdx);
    *dstdx = (stDeltaX - st) / delta;

    Point2f stDeltaY = sphere(si.p + delta * si.dpdy);
    *dstdy = (stDeltaY - st) / delta;

    // Handle sphere mapping discontinuity for coordinate differentials
    if ((*dstdx)[1] > .5)        (*dstdx)[1] = 1 - (*dstdx)[1];
    else if ((*dstdx)[1] < -.5f) (*dstdx)[1] = -((*dstdx)[1] + 1);
    if ((*dstdy)[1] > .5)        (*dstdy)[1] = 1 - (*dstdy)[1];
    else if ((*dstdy)[1] < -.5f) (*dstdy)[1] = -((*dstdy)[1] + 1);

    return st;

Cylindrical Mapping


class CylindricalMapping2D : public TextureMapping2D {
    CylindricalMapping2D(const Transform &WorldToTexture)
           : WorldToTexture(WorldToTexture) { }
    Point2f Map(const SurfaceInteraction &si, Vector2f *dstdx,
                Vector2f *dstdy) const;

    Point2f cylinder(const Point3f &p) const {
        Vector3f vec = Normalize(WorldToTexture(p) - Point3f(0,0,0));
        return Point2f((Pi + std::atan2(vec.y, vec.x)) * Inv2Pi, vec.z);

    const Transform WorldToTexture;


Point2f CylindricalMapping2D::Map(const SurfaceInteraction &si,
        Vector2f *dstdx, Vector2f *dstdy) const {
    Point2f st = cylinder(si.p);
    // Compute texture coordinate differentials for cylinder mapping
    const Float delta = .01f;

    Point2f stDeltaX = cylinder(si.p + delta * si.dpdx);
    *dstdx = (stDeltaX - st) / delta;
    if ((*dstdx)[1] > .5) (*dstdx)[1] = 1.f - (*dstdx)[1];
    else if ((*dstdx)[1] < -.5f) (*dstdx)[1] = -((*dstdx)[1] + 1);
    Point2f stDeltaY = cylinder(si.p + delta * si.dpdy);
    *dstdy = (stDeltaY - st) / delta;
    if ((*dstdy)[1] > .5) (*dstdy)[1] = 1.f - (*dstdy)[1];
    else if ((*dstdy)[1] < -.5f) (*dstdy)[1] = -((*dstdy)[1] + 1);

    return st;

Planar Mapping


class PlanarMapping2D : public TextureMapping2D {
    Point2f Map(const SurfaceInteraction &si, Vector2f *dstdx,
                Vector2f *dstdy) const;
    PlanarMapping2D(const Vector3f &vs, const Vector3f &vt,
                    Float ds = 0, Float dt = 0) 
           : vs(vs), vt(vt), ds(ds), dt(dt) { }

    const Vector3f vs, vt;
    const Float ds, dt;


Point2f PlanarMapping2D::Map(const SurfaceInteraction &si,
        Vector2f *dstdx, Vector2f *dstdy) const {
    Vector3f vec(si.p);
    *dstdx = Vector2f(Dot(si.dpdx, vs), Dot(si.dpdx, vt));
    *dstdy = Vector2f(Dot(si.dpdy, vs), Dot(si.dpdy, vt));
    return Point2f(ds + Dot(vec, vs), dt + Dot(vec, vt));

3D Mapping


class TextureMapping3D {
    virtual ~TextureMapping3D() { }
    virtual Point3f Map(const SurfaceInteraction &si,
                        Vector3f *dpdx, Vector3f *dpdy) const = 0;



class TransformMapping3D : public TextureMapping3D {
    Point3f TransformMapping3D::Map(const SurfaceInteraction &si,
            Vector3f *dpdx, Vector3f *dpdy) const {
        *dpdx = WorldToTexture(si.dpdx);
        *dpdy = WorldToTexture(si.dpdy);
        return WorldToTexture(si.p);

    const Transform WorldToTexture;

Texture Interface and Basic Textures


template <typename T>
class Texture {
    virtual T Evaluate(const SurfaceInteraction &) const = 0;
    virtual ~Texture() { }

Constant Texture


template <typename T>
class ConstantTexture : public Texture<T> {
    ConstantTexture(const T &value) : value(value) { }

    T Evaluate(const SurfaceInteraction &) const {
        return value;

    T value;

Scale Texture


template <typename T1, typename T2>
class ScaleTexture : public Texture<T2> {
    ScaleTexture(const std::shared_ptr<Texture<T1>> &tex1,
                 const std::shared_ptr<Texture<T2>> &tex2)
           : tex1(tex1), tex2(tex2) { }
    T2 Evaluate(const SurfaceInteraction &si) const {
        return tex1->Evaluate(si) * tex2->Evaluate(si);

    std::shared_ptr<Texture<T1>> tex1;
    std::shared_ptr<Texture<T2>> tex2;

Mix Textures


template <typename T>
class MixTexture : public Texture<T> {
    MixTexture(const std::shared_ptr<Texture<T>> &tex1,
               const std::shared_ptr<Texture<T>> &tex2,
               const std::shared_ptr<Texture<Float>> &amount)
           : tex1(tex1), tex2(tex2), amount(amount) { }
    T Evaluate(const SurfaceInteraction &si) const { 
        T t1 = tex1->Evaluate(si), t2 = tex2->Evaluate(si);
        Float amt = amount->Evaluate(si);
        return (1 - amt) * t1 + amt * t2;

    std::shared_ptr<Texture<T>> tex1, tex2;
    std::shared_ptr<Texture<Float>> amount;

Bilinear Interpolation

在计算纹理时需要使用双线性插值来提取非整数坐标上的纹理值,在这种情况下可以使用BilerpTexture类。BilerpTexture类接收一个TextureMapping2D对象来计算纹理坐标(s, t),(s, t)处的纹理值由(0, 0)、(0, 1)、(1, 0)、(1, 1)四个点通过插值来进行计算。

template <typename T>
class BilerpTexture : public Texture<T> {
    BilerpTexture(std::unique_ptr<TextureMapping2D> mapping, const T &v00,
                  const T &v01, const T &v10, const T &v11) 
           : mapping(std::move(mapping)), v00(v00), v01(v01), v10(v10),
             v11(v11) { }
    T Evaluate(const SurfaceInteraction &si) const { 
        Vector2f dstdx, dstdy;
        Point2f st = mapping->Map(si, &dstdx, &dstdy);
        return (1-st[0]) * (1-st[1]) * v00 + (1-st[0]) * (st[1]) * v01 +
               (  st[0]) * (1-st[1]) * v10 + (  st[0]) * (st[1]) * v11;

    std::unique_ptr<TextureMapping2D> mapping;
    const T v00, v01, v10, v11;

Image Texture

上面介绍的纹理计算方法只适用于比较简单的纹理,对于更加复杂的情况我们往往会使用一张图片来记录纹理,然后在渲染时加载它来获得曲面上的纹理值,这样的纹理表示方法称为纹理映射(texture map)。在PBRT中使用ImageTexture类来表示纹理映射,它同样继承自Texture基类但比前面介绍过的派生类要复杂一些。

template <typename Tmemory, typename Treturn>
class ImageTexture : public Texture<Treturn> {
    // ImageTexture Public Methods
    ImageTexture(std::unique_ptr<TextureMapping2D> m, const std::string &filename,
                 bool doTri, Float maxAniso, ImageWrap wm, Float scale, bool gamma);

    static void ClearCache();
    Treturn Evaluate(const SurfaceInteraction &si) const;

    // ImageTexture Private Methods
    static MIPMap<Tmemory> *GetTexture(const std::string &filename, 
        bool doTrilinear, Float maxAniso, ImageWrap wm, Float scale, bool gamma);

    static void convertIn(const RGBSpectrum &from, RGBSpectrum *to, Float scale, bool gamma);
    static void convertIn(const RGBSpectrum &from, Float *to, Float scale, bool gamma);

    static void convertOut(const RGBSpectrum &from, Spectrum *to);

    static void convertOut(Float from, Float *to);

    // ImageTexture Private Data
    std::unique_ptr<TextureMapping2D> mapping;
    MIPMap<Tmemory> *mipmap;
    static std::map<TexInfo, std::unique_ptr<MIPMap<Tmemory>>> textures;


template <typename Tmemory, typename Treturn> 
ImageTexture<Tmemory, Treturn>::ImageTexture(
        std::unique_ptr<TextureMapping2D> mapping,
        const std::string &filename, bool doTrilinear, Float maxAniso,
        ImageWrap wrapMode, Float scale, bool gamma)
    : mapping(std::move(mapping)) {
    mipmap = GetTexture(filename, doTrilinear, maxAniso,
                        wrapMode, scale, gamma);

Texture Memory Management


template <typename Tmemory, typename Treturn> 
MIPMap<Tmemory> *ImageTexture<Tmemory, Treturn>::GetTexture(
        const std::string &filename, 
        bool doTrilinear, Float maxAniso, ImageWrap wrap, Float scale,
        bool gamma) {
    // Return MIPMap from texture cache if present
    TexInfo texInfo(filename, doTrilinear, maxAniso, wrap, scale, gamma);
    if (textures.find(texInfo) != textures.end())
        return textures[texInfo].get();

    // Create MIPMap for filename
    Point2i resolution;
    std::unique_ptr<RGBSpectrum[]> texels = ReadImage(filename, &resolution);
    MIPMap<Tmemory> *mipmap = nullptr;
    if (texels) {
        // Convert texels to type Tmemory and create MIPMap
        std::unique_ptr<Tmemory[]> convertedTexels(new Tmemory[resolution.x * resolution.y]);
        for (int i = 0; i < resolution.x * resolution.y; ++i)
            convertIn(texels[i], &convertedTexels[i], scale, gamma);

        mipmap = new MIPMap<Tmemory>(resolution, convertedTexels.get(),
                                     doTrilinear, maxAniso, wrap);
    } else {
        // Create one-valued MIPMap
        Tmemory oneVal = scale;
        mipmap = new MIPMap<Tmemory>(Point2i(1, 1), &oneVal);

    return mipmap;


static void convertIn(const RGBSpectrum &from, RGBSpectrum *to,
                      Float scale, bool gamma) { 
    for (int i = 0; i < RGBSpectrum::nSamples; ++i)
        (*to)[i] = scale * (gamma ? InverseGammaCorrect(from[i])
                                  : from[i]);
static void convertIn(const RGBSpectrum &from, Float *to,
                      Float scale, bool gamma) { 
    *to = scale * (gamma ? InverseGammaCorrect(from.y())
                         : from.y());

这里需要补充一些Gamma矫正的内容。PBRT使用了sRGB标准来描述显示颜色与像素值之间的对应关系,对于[0, 1]范围内的像素值$x$经过Gamma矫正后的值$\gamma(x)$才是显示设备实际显示的值:

\[\gamma(x) = \left\{ \begin{aligned} & 12.92 \ x, & & x \leq 0.0031308 \\ & 1.055 \ x^{1/2.4}, & & x \gt 0.0031308 \end{aligned} \right.\]


inline Float GammaCorrect(Float value) {
    if (value <= 0.0031308f)
        return 12.92f * value;
    return 1.055f * std::pow(value, (Float)(1.f / 2.4f)) - 0.055f;

inline Float InverseGammaCorrect(Float value) {
    if (value <= 0.04045f)
        return value * 1.f / 12.92f;
    return std::pow((value + 0.055f) * 1.f / 1.055f, (Float)2.4f);



static void ClearCache() {
    textures.erase(textures.begin(), textures.end());

ImageTexture Evaluation


Treturn Evaluate(const SurfaceInteraction &si) const { 
    Vector2f dstdx, dstdy;
    Point2f st = mapping->Map(si, &dstdx, &dstdy);
    Tmemory mem = mipmap->Lookup(st, dstdx, dstdy);
    Treturn ret;
    convertOut(mem, &ret);
    return ret;
static void convertOut(const RGBSpectrum &from, Spectrum *to) { 
    Float rgb[3];
    *to = Spectrum::FromRGB(rgb);
static void convertOut(Float from, Float *to) { 
    *to = from;

MIP Maps




enum class ImageWrap { Repeat, Black, Clamp };

template <typename T>
class MIPMap {
    // MIPMap Public Methods
    MIPMap(const Point2i &resolution, const T *data, bool doTri = false,
           Float maxAniso = 8.f, ImageWrap wrapMode = ImageWrap::Repeat);
    int Width() const { return resolution[0]; }
    int Height() const { return resolution[1]; }
    int Levels() const { return pyramid.size(); }
    const T &Texel(int level, int s, int t) const;
    T Lookup(const Point2f &st, Float width = 0.f) const;
    T Lookup(const Point2f &st, Vector2f dstdx, Vector2f dstdy) const;

    // MIPMap Private Methods
    std::unique_ptr<ResampleWeight[]> resampleWeights(int oldRes, int newRes);
    Float clamp(Float v) { return Clamp(v, 0.f, Infinity); }
    RGBSpectrum clamp(const RGBSpectrum &v) { return v.Clamp(0.f, Infinity); }
    SampledSpectrum clamp(const SampledSpectrum &v) { return v.Clamp(0.f, Infinity); }
    T triangle(int level, const Point2f &st) const;
    T EWA(int level, Point2f st, Vector2f dst0, Vector2f dst1) const;

    // MIPMap Private Data
    const bool doTrilinear;
    const Float maxAnisotropy;
    const ImageWrap wrapMode;
    Point2i resolution;
    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<BlockedArray<T>>> pyramid;
    static constexpr int WeightLUTSize = 128;
    static Float weightLut[WeightLUTSize];


struct ResampleWeight {
    int firstTexel;
    Float weight[4]; 

template <typename T>
MIPMap<T>::MIPMap(const Point2i &res, const T *img, bool doTrilinear,
                  Float maxAnisotropy, ImageWrap wrapMode)
    : doTrilinear(doTrilinear), maxAnisotropy(maxAnisotropy),
      wrapMode(wrapMode), resolution(res) {
    std::unique_ptr<T[]> resampledImage = nullptr;
    if (!IsPowerOf2(resolution[0]) || !IsPowerOf2(resolution[1])) {
        // Resample image to power-of-two resolution
        Point2i resPow2(RoundUpPow2(resolution[0]), RoundUpPow2(resolution[1]));

        // Resample image in s direction
        std::unique_ptr<ResampleWeight[]> sWeights = resampleWeights(resolution[0], resPow2[0]);
        resampledImage.reset(new T[resPow2[0] * resPow2[1]]);
        // Apply sWeights to zoom in s direction
            [&](int t) {
                for (int s = 0; s < resPow2[0]; ++s) {
                    // Compute texel (s, t) in s-zoomed image
                    resampledImage[t * resPow2[0] + s] = 0.f;
                    for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
                        int origS = sWeights[s].firstTexel + j;
                        if (wrapMode == ImageWrap::Repeat) 
                             origS = Mod(origS, resolution[0]);
                        else if (wrapMode == ImageWrap::Clamp) 
                            origS = Clamp(origS, 0, resolution[0] - 1);
                        if (origS >= 0 && origS < (int)resolution[0])
                            resampledImage[t * resPow2[0] + s] +=
                                sWeights[s].weight[j] * img[t * resolution[0] + origS];
            }, resolution[1], 16);

        // Resample image in t direction
        std::unique_ptr<ResampleWeight[]> tWeights = resampleWeights(resolution[1], resPow2[1]);
        std::vector<T *> resampleBufs;
        int nThreads = MaxThreadIndex();
        for (int i = 0; i < nThreads; ++i)
            resampleBufs.push_back(new T[resPow2[1]]);
            [&](int s) {
                T *workData = resampleBufs[threadIndex];
                for (int t = 0; t < resPow2[1]; ++t) {
                    workData[t] = 0.f;
                    for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
                        int offset = tWeights[t].firstTexel + j;
                        if (wrapMode == ImageWrap::Repeat) offset = Mod(offset, resolution[1]);
                        else if (wrapMode == ImageWrap::Clamp) offset = Clamp(offset, 0, (int)resolution[1]-1);
                        if (offset >= 0 && offset < (int)resolution[1])
                            workData[t] += tWeights[t].weight[j] *
                                resampledImage[offset * resPow2[0] + s];

                for (int t = 0; t < resPow2[1]; ++t)
                    resampledImage[t * resPow2[0] + s] = clamp(workData[t]);
            }, resPow2[0], 32);
        for (auto ptr : resampleBufs)
            delete[] ptr;

        resolution = resPow2;

    // Initialize levels of MIPMap from image
    int nLevels = 1 + Log2Int(std::max(resolution[0], resolution[1]));

    // Initialize most detailed level of MIPMap
    pyramid[0].reset(new BlockedArray<T>(resolution[0], resolution[1],
                     resampledImage ? resampledImage.get() : img));

    for (int i = 1; i < nLevels; ++i) {
        // Initialize i MIPMap level from i-1 level
        int sRes = std::max(1, pyramid[i - 1]->uSize() / 2);
        int tRes = std::max(1, pyramid[i - 1]->vSize() / 2);
        pyramid[i].reset(new BlockedArray<T>(sRes, tRes));

        // Filter four texels from finer level of pyramid
            [&](int t) {
            for (int s = 0; s < sRes; ++s)
                (*pyramid[i])(s, t) = .25f *
                    (Texel(i-1, 2*s, 2*t)   + Texel(i-1, 2*s+1, 2*t) + 
                     Texel(i-1, 2*s, 2*t+1) + Texel(i-1, 2*s+1, 2*t+1));
            }, tRes, 16);

    // Initialize EWA filter weights if needed
    if (weightLut[0] == 0.) {
        for (int i = 0; i < WeightLUTSize; ++i) {
            Float alpha = 2;
            Float r2 = Float(i) / Float(WeightLUTSize - 1);
            weightLut[i] = std::exp(-alpha * r2) - std::exp(-alpha);

如果原始纹理图像的高宽为2的幂则直接通过上采样构造出上一层的纹理,其中每个像素为下一层对应$2 \times 2$区域像素的平均值;否则需要首先把原始纹理图像的尺寸拓展到2的幂再构造金字塔。在拓展图像尺寸时使用了重采样的方法,我们需要在s和t两个方向上分别进行重采样来保证采样后纹理图像的尺寸均为2的幂。


std::unique_ptr<ResampleWeight[]> resampleWeights(int oldRes, int newRes) {
    Assert(newRes >= oldRes);
    std::unique_ptr<ResampleWeight[]> wt(new ResampleWeight[newRes]);
    Float filterwidth = 2.f;
    for (int i = 0; i < newRes; ++i) {
        // Compute image resampling weights for ith texel
        Float center = (i + .5f) * oldRes / newRes;
        wt[i].firstTexel = std::floor((center - filterwidth) + 0.5f);
        for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
            Float pos = wt[i].firstTexel + j + .5f;
            wt[i].weight[j] = Lanczos((pos - center) / filterwidth);

        // Normalize filter weights for texel resampling
        Float invSumWts = 1 / (wt[i].weight[0] + wt[i].weight[1] + 
                               wt[i].weight[2] + wt[i].weight[3]);
        for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
            wt[i].weight[j] *= invSumWts;

    return wt;

在访问MIPMap对象时可以通过MIPMap::Texel()函数来获取指定层数l上(s, t)位置处的纹理值:

template <typename T>
const T &MIPMap<T>::Texel(int level, int s, int t) const {
    const BlockedArray<T> &l = *pyramid[level];
    // Compute texel  accounting for boundary conditions
    switch (wrapMode) {
        case ImageWrap::Repeat:
            s = Mod(s, l.uSize());
            t = Mod(t, l.vSize());
        case ImageWrap::Clamp:
            s = Clamp(s, 0, l.uSize() - 1);
            t = Clamp(t, 0, l.vSize() - 1);
        case ImageWrap::Black: {
            static const T black = 0.f;
            if (s < 0 || s >= (int)l.uSize() || 
                t < 0 || t >= (int)l.vSize())
                return black;

    return l(s, t);

Isotropic Triangle Filter

ImageTexture::Evaluate()函数中通过MIPMap::Lookup()来获得纹理值。PBRT提供了两个Lookup()函数,其中比较简单的是isotropic triangle filter,它的基本思想是选择某一层的纹理图像使得采样点(s, t)对应的窗口恰好包含4个纹理样本点,然后再通过插值来计算出(s, t)处的纹理值。triangle filter要求纹理图像必须是一个正方形图像,同时滤波器的窗口也是一个正方形,因此triangle filter是一个各向同性(isotropic)滤波器。


\[\frac{1}{w} = 2^{\text{nLevels}-1-l}\]


整理之后可以得到isotropic triangle filter对应的Lookup()函数:

template <typename T>
T MIPMap<T>::Lookup(const Point2f &st, Float width) const {
    // Compute MIPMap level for trilinear filtering
    Float level = Levels() - 1 + Log2(std::max(width, (Float)1e-8));

    // Perform trilinear interpolation at appropriate MIPMap level
    if (level < 0)
        return triangle(0, st);
    else if (level >= Levels() - 1)
        return Texel(Levels() - 1, 0, 0);
    else {
        int iLevel = std::floor(level);
        Float delta = level - iLevel;
        return Lerp(delta, triangle(iLevel, st), triangle(iLevel + 1, st));

每一层上具体的插值计算由MIPMap::triangle()函数来实现,它表示对图像使用triangle filter,每个像素的权重为:

\[f(x, y) = (1 - \vert x \vert) (1 - \vert y \vert)\]
template <typename T>
T MIPMap<T>::triangle(int level, const Point2f &st) const {
    level = Clamp(level, 0, Levels() - 1);
    Float s = st[0] * pyramid[level]->uSize() - 0.5f;
    Float t = st[1] * pyramid[level]->vSize() - 0.5f;
    int s0 = std::floor(s), t0 = std::floor(t);
    Float ds = s - s0, dt = t - t0;
    return (1 - ds) * (1 - dt) * Texel(level, s0,   t0) +
           (1 - ds) * dt       * Texel(level, s0,   t0+1) +
           ds       * (1 - dt) * Texel(level, s0+1, t0) +
           ds       * dt       * Texel(level, s0+1, t0+1);

Elliptically Weighted Average

另一种比较复杂的方法是EWA算法(elliptically weighted average)。EWA算法会考虑纹理坐标的微分在纹理图像上的两个主方向,然后通过Gaussian核对纹理进行滤波。和triangle filter不同的是,EWA算法可以考虑任意方向上纹理坐标的变化,因此它是一个各向异性(anisotropic)的滤波器。因此EWA算法可以极大地提高纹理滤波的质量,它也是目前最好的滤波算法之一。


template <typename T> 
T MIPMap<T>::Lookup(const Point2f &st, Vector2f dst0,
                    Vector2f dst1) const {
    if (doTrilinear) {
        Float width = std::max(std::max(std::abs(dst0[0]),
        return Lookup(st, 2 * width);

    // Compute ellipse minor and major axes
    if (dst0.LengthSquared() < dst1.LengthSquared())
        std::swap(dst0, dst1);
    Float majorLength = dst0.Length();
    Float minorLength = dst1.Length();

    // Clamp ellipse eccentricity if too large
    if (minorLength * maxAnisotropy < majorLength && minorLength > 0) {
        Float scale = majorLength / (minorLength * maxAnisotropy);
        dst1 *= scale;
        minorLength *= scale;
    if (minorLength == 0)
        return triangle(0, st);

    // Choose level of detail for EWA lookup and perform EWA filtering
    Float lod = std::max((Float)0, Levels() - (Float)1 + Log2(minorLength));
    int ilod = std::floor(lod);
    return Lerp(lod - ilod, EWA(ilod, st, dst0, dst1),
                EWA(ilod + 1, st, dst0, dst1));


EWA算法同样需要在金字塔的不同层上进行插值。计算层号的方法与triangle filter相同,但在每一层上则需要调用MIPMap::EWA()函数来计算滤波后的纹理值。

template <typename T>
T MIPMap<T>::EWA(int level, Point2f st, Vector2f dst0,
                 Vector2f dst1) const {
    if (level >= Levels()) return Texel(Levels() - 1, 0, 0);

    // Convert EWA coordinates to appropriate scale for level
    st[0] = st[0] * pyramid[level]->uSize() - 0.5f;
    st[1] = st[1] * pyramid[level]->vSize() - 0.5f;
    dst0[0] *= pyramid[level]->uSize();
    dst0[1] *= pyramid[level]->vSize();
    dst1[0] *= pyramid[level]->uSize();
    dst1[1] *= pyramid[level]->vSize();

    // Compute ellipse coefficients to bound EWA filter region
    Float A = dst0[1] * dst0[1] + dst1[1] * dst1[1] + 1;
    Float B = -2 * (dst0[0] * dst0[1] + dst1[0] * dst1[1]);
    Float C = dst0[0] * dst0[0] + dst1[0] * dst1[0] + 1;
    Float invF = 1 / (A * C - B * B * 0.25f);
    A *= invF;
    B *= invF;
    C *= invF;

    // Compute the ellipse’s  bounding box in texture space
    Float det = -B * B + 4 * A * C;
    Float invDet = 1 / det;
    Float uSqrt = std::sqrt(det * C), vSqrt = std::sqrt(A * det);
    int s0 = std::ceil (st[0] - 2 * invDet * uSqrt);
    int s1 = std::floor(st[0] + 2 * invDet * uSqrt);
    int t0 = std::ceil (st[1] - 2 * invDet * vSqrt);
    int t1 = std::floor(st[1] + 2 * invDet * vSqrt);

    // Scan over ellipse bound and compute quadratic equation
    T sum(0.f);
    Float sumWts = 0;
    for (int it = t0; it <= t1; ++it) {
        Float tt = it - st[1];
        for (int is = s0; is <= s1; ++is) {
            Float ss = is - st[0];
            // Compute squared radius and filter texel if inside ellipse
            Float r2 = A * ss * ss + B * ss * tt + C * tt * tt;
            if (r2 < 1) {
                int index = std::min((int)(r2 * WeightLUTSize),
                                           WeightLUTSize - 1);
                Float weight = weightLut[index];
                sum += Texel(level, is, it) * weight;
                sumWts += weight;

    return sum / sumWts;

MIPMap::EWA()的核心是对纹理图像上椭圆区域内的纹理值进行加权平均。因此首先需要把规范化坐标映射到纹理图像上确定椭圆窗口的范围,然后利用椭圆方程判断像素是否位于滤波器窗口中。对于窗口中的像素,每个像素的权重即为标准高斯核在(s’-s, t’-t)处的值。

Solid and Procedural Texturing



UV Texture

UV纹理是一种简单的程序纹理,我们直接把曲面的(u, v)坐标作为纹理颜色的R和G通道值即可。这种纹理在调试曲面的参数化时非常好用。

class UVTexture : public Texture<Spectrum> {
    UVTexture(std::unique_ptr<TextureMapping2D> mapping) : mapping(std::move(mapping)) { }
    Spectrum Evaluate(const SurfaceInteraction &si) const {
        Vector2f dstdx, dstdy;
        Point2f st = mapping->Map(si, &dstdx, &dstdy);
        Float rgb[3] =
              { st[0] - std::floor(st[0]), st[1] - std::floor(st[1]), 0 };
        return Spectrum::FromRGB(rgb);

    std::unique_ptr<TextureMapping2D> mapping;



计算曲面上任意点的纹理值非常简单,只需要根据曲面(u, v)坐标对两个纹理进行轮换即可。

// Point sample Checkerboard2DTexture
if (((int)std::floor(st[0]) + (int)std::floor(st[1])) % 2 == 0)
    return tex1->Evaluate(si);
return tex2->Evaluate(si);



\[c(x) = \left\{ \begin{aligned} & 0, & & \lfloor x \rfloor \ \text{is even} \\ & 1, & & \text{otherwise} \end{aligned} \right.\]


\[\int_0^x c(x) \ dx = \lfloor x/2 \rfloor + 2 \max (x/2 - \lfloor x/2 \rfloor - 0.5, 0)\]


auto bumpInt = [](Float x) {
    return (int)std::floor(x / 2) +
           2 * std::max(x / 2 - (int)std::floor(x / 2) - (Float)0.5, (Float)0); };

Float sint = (bumpInt(s1) - bumpInt(s0)) / (2 * ds);
Float tint = (bumpInt(t1) - bumpInt(t0)) / (2 * dt);

Float area2 = sint + tint - 2 * sint * tint;
if (ds > 1 || dt > 1) area2 = .5f;

return (1 - area2) * tex1->Evaluate(si) +
       area2       * tex2->Evaluate(si);


enum class AAMethod { None, ClosedForm };

template <typename T>
class Checkerboard2DTexture : public Texture<T> {
    Checkerboard2DTexture(std::unique_ptr<TextureMapping2D> mapping,
                          const std::shared_ptr<Texture<T>> &tex1,
                          const std::shared_ptr<Texture<T>> &tex2, AAMethod aaMethod)
        : mapping(std::move(mapping)), tex1(tex1), tex2(tex2), aaMethod(aaMethod) { }

    T Evaluate(const SurfaceInteraction &si) const {
        Vector2f dstdx, dstdy;
        Point2f st = mapping->Map(si, &dstdx, &dstdy);

        if (aaMethod == AAMethod::None) {
            // Point sample Checkerboard2DTexture
            if (((int)std::floor(st[0]) + (int)std::floor(st[1])) % 2 == 0)
                return tex1->Evaluate(si);
            return tex2->Evaluate(si);

        } else {
            // Compute closed-form box-filtered Checkerboard2DTexture value
            // Evaluate single check if filter is entirely inside one of them
            Float ds = std::max(std::abs(dstdx[0]), std::abs(dstdy[0]));
            Float dt = std::max(std::abs(dstdx[1]), std::abs(dstdy[1]));
            Float s0 = st[0] - ds, s1 = st[0] + ds;
            Float t0 = st[1] - dt, t1 = st[1] + dt;
            if (std::floor(s0) == std::floor(s1) &&
                std::floor(t0) == std::floor(t1)) {
                // Point sample Checkerboard2DTexture>
                if (((int)std::floor(st[0]) + (int)std::floor(st[1])) % 2 == 0)
                    return tex1->Evaluate(si);
                return tex2->Evaluate(si);

            // Apply box filter to checkerboard region
            auto bumpInt = [](Float x) {
                    return (int)std::floor(x / 2) +
                            2 * std::max(x / 2 - (int)std::floor(x / 2) - (Float)0.5, (Float)0); };

            Float sint = (bumpInt(s1) - bumpInt(s0)) / (2 * ds);
            Float tint = (bumpInt(t1) - bumpInt(t0)) / (2 * dt);

            Float area2 = sint + tint - 2 * sint * tint;
            if (ds > 1 || dt > 1) area2 = .5f;

            return (1 - area2) * tex1->Evaluate(si) + area2 * tex2->Evaluate(si);

    std::unique_ptr<TextureMapping2D> mapping;
    const std::shared_ptr<Texture<T>> tex1, tex2;
    const AAMethod aaMethod;

Solid Checkerboard


template <typename T>
class Checkerboard3DTexture : public Texture<T> {
    Checkerboard3DTexture(std::unique_ptr<TextureMapping3D> mapping,
               const std::shared_ptr<Texture<T>> &tex1,
               const std::shared_ptr<Texture<T>> &tex2)
           : mapping(std::move(mapping)), tex1(tex1), tex2(tex2) { }

    T Evaluate(const SurfaceInteraction &si) const {
        Vector3f dpdx, dpdy;
        Point3f p = mapping->Map(si, &dpdx, &dpdy);
        if (((int)std::floor(p.x) + (int)std::floor(p.y) +
             (int)std::floor(p.z)) % 2 == 0)
            return tex1->Evaluate(si);
            return tex2->Evaluate(si);

    std::unique_ptr<TextureMapping3D> mapping;
    std::shared_ptr<Texture<T>> tex1, tex2;


通过噪声我们可以为纹理图像添加更多的细节。显然我们不希望噪声是一个完全随机的内容,而是希望能够通过一些方法产生可控的噪声。PBRT定义了噪声函数Noise()来生成这样的可控随机噪声:对于给定的三维空间坐标(x, y, z),Noise()会生成[-1, 1]区间上的伪随机数。生成的噪声具有有限带宽和最大频率,因此可以控制噪声的频率使得它不会超过采样频率的极限。

Perlin Noise

PRBT中的噪声函数源于Perlin噪声(Perlin noise)。它在整数坐标(x, y, z)上都取0,但每一点都有不同的梯度,然后通过插值就得到了空间中任意点的噪声。

生成Perlin噪声也非常简单。首先要计算(x, y, z)周围8个正数点处的梯度,然后计算梯度与指向采样点的向量的点乘表示各个梯度对采样点的影响,最后对这些点进行三线性插值即可得到噪声。

static constexpr int NoisePermSize = 256;

static int NoisePerm[2 * NoisePermSize] = {
    151, 160, 137, 91, 90, 15, 131, 13, 201, 95, 96, 
    53, 194, 233, 7, 225, 140, 36, 103, 30, 69, 142,
    // Remainder of the noise permutation table...

inline Float Grad(int x, int y, int z, Float dx, Float dy, Float dz) {
    int h = NoisePerm[NoisePerm[NoisePerm[x] + y] + z];
    h &= 15;
    Float u = h < 8 || h == 12 || h == 13 ? dx : dy;
    Float v = h < 4 || h == 12 || h == 13 ? dy : dz;
    return ((h & 1) ? -u : u) + ((h & 2) ? -v : v);

inline Float NoiseWeight(Float t) {
    Float t3 = t * t * t;
    Float t4 = t3 * t;
    return 6 * t4 * t - 15 * t4 + 10 * t3;

Float Noise(Float x, Float y, Float z) {
    // Compute noise cell coordinates and offsets
    int ix = std::floor(x), iy = std::floor(y), iz = std::floor(z);
    Float dx = x - ix, dy = y - iy, dz = z - iz;

    // Compute gradient weights
    ix &= NoisePermSize - 1;
    iy &= NoisePermSize - 1;
    iz &= NoisePermSize - 1;
    Float w000 = Grad(ix,   iy,   iz,   dx,   dy,   dz);
    Float w100 = Grad(ix+1, iy,   iz,   dx-1, dy,   dz);
    Float w010 = Grad(ix,   iy+1, iz,   dx,   dy-1, dz);
    Float w110 = Grad(ix+1, iy+1, iz,   dx-1, dy-1, dz);
    Float w001 = Grad(ix,   iy,   iz+1, dx,   dy,   dz-1);
    Float w101 = Grad(ix+1, iy,   iz+1, dx-1, dy,   dz-1);
    Float w011 = Grad(ix,   iy+1, iz+1, dx,   dy-1, dz-1);
    Float w111 = Grad(ix+1, iy+1, iz+1, dx-1, dy-1, dz-1);

    // Compute trilinear interpolation of weights
    Float wx = NoiseWeight(dx), wy = NoiseWeight(dy), wz = NoiseWeight(dz);
    Float x00 = Lerp(wx, w000, w100);
    Float x10 = Lerp(wx, w010, w110);
    Float x01 = Lerp(wx, w001, w101);
    Float x11 = Lerp(wx, w011, w111);
    Float y0 = Lerp(wy, x00, x10);
    Float y1 = Lerp(wy, x01, x11);
    return Lerp(wz, y0, y1);

Float Noise(const Point3f &p) { return Noise(p.x, p.y, p.z); }

Random Polka Dots

噪声函数的一个经典应用是生成波尔卡圆点(Polka dots)。我们可以把纹理平面划分成网格,然后假设每个网格中有50%的概率存在一个圆点,最后把纹理赋予个模型就产生了波尔卡圆点。


template <typename T>
class DotsTexture : public Texture<T> {
    DotsTexture(std::unique_ptr<TextureMapping2D> mapping,
               const std::shared_ptr<Texture<T>> &outsideDot,
               const std::shared_ptr<Texture<T>> &insideDot)
           : mapping(std::move(mapping)), outsideDot(outsideDot),
             insideDot(insideDot) { }

    T Evaluate(const SurfaceInteraction &si) const {
        // Compute cell indices for dots
        Vector2f dstdx, dstdy;
        Point2f st = mapping->Map(si, &dstdx, &dstdy);
        int sCell = std::floor(st[0] + .5f), tCell = std::floor(st[1] + .5f);

        // Return insideDot result if point is inside dot
        if (Noise(sCell + .5f, tCell + .5f) > 0) {
            Float radius = .35f;
            Float maxShift = 0.5f - radius;

            Float sCenter = sCell + maxShift * Noise(sCell + 1.5f, tCell + 2.8f);
            Float tCenter = tCell + maxShift * Noise(sCell + 4.5f, tCell + 9.8f);
            Vector2f dst = st - Point2f(sCenter, tCenter);
            if (dst.LengthSquared() < radius*radius)
                return insideDot->Evaluate(si);

        return outsideDot->Evaluate(si);

    std::unique_ptr<TextureMapping2D> mapping;
    std::shared_ptr<Texture<T>> outsideDot, insideDot;

Noise Idioms and Spectral Synthesis

在很多时候我们会通过缩放和加权的方式对已有的噪声进行组合并生成新的程序噪声,这样的过程称为谱生成(spectral synthesis)。生成噪声的谱等于原来噪声谱的加权和:

\[f_s (x) = \sum_i w_i f_i (s_i x)\]

Fractional Brownian Motion

通常情况下权重$w_i$和缩放系数$s_i$构成等比数列$w_i = w_{i-1}/2$、$s_i = 2 s_{i-1}$。这样高频成分的权重会不断缩减,对生成噪声的影响也逐渐减少。当我们把这样的递推方式作用在Perlin噪声上就得到了分型布朗运动(fractional Brownian motion, fBm)

inline Float SmoothStep(Float min, Float max, Float value) {
    Float v = Clamp((value - min) / (max - min), 0, 1);
    return v * v * (-2 * v  + 3);

Float FBm(const Point3f &p, const Vector3f &dpdx, const Vector3f &dpdy,
          Float omega, int maxOctaves) {
    // Compute number of octaves for antialiased FBm
    Float len2 = std::max(dpdx.LengthSquared(), dpdy.LengthSquared());
    Float n = Clamp(-1 - .5f * Log2(len2), 0, maxOctaves);
    int nInt = std::floor(n);

    // Compute sum of octaves of noise for FBm
    Float sum = 0, lambda = 1, o = 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < nInt; ++i) {
        sum += o * Noise(lambda * p);
        lambda *= 1.99f;
        o *= omega;

    Float nPartial = n - nInt;
    sum += o * SmoothStep(.3f, .7f, nPartial) * Noise(lambda * p);

    return sum;



\[f_s (x) = \sum_i w_i \vert f_i (s_i x) \vert\]
Float Turbulence(const Point3f &p, const Vector3f &dpdx,
        const Vector3f &dpdy, Float omega, int maxOctaves) {
    // Compute number of octaves for antialiased FBm
    Float len2 = std::max(dpdx.LengthSquared(), dpdy.LengthSquared());
    Float n = Clamp(-1 - .5f * Log2(len2), 0, maxOctaves);
    int nInt = std::floor(n);

    // Compute sum of octaves of noise for turbulence
    Float sum = 0, lambda = 1, o = 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < nInt; ++i) {
        sum += o * std::abs(Noise(lambda * p));
        lambda *= 1.99f;
        o *= omega;

    // Account for contributions of clamped octaves in turbulence
    Float nPartial = n - nInt;
    sum += o * Lerp(SmoothStep(.3f, .7f, nPartial),
                    0.2, std::abs(Noise(lambda * p)));
    for (int i = nInt; i < maxOctaves; ++i) {
        sum += o * 0.2f;
        o *= omega;

    return sum;

Bumpy and Wrinkled Textures


template <typename T>
class FBmTexture : public Texture<T> {
    FBmTexture(std::unique_ptr<TextureMapping3D> mapping, int octaves,
               Float omega)
           : mapping(std::move(mapping)), omega(omega), octaves(octaves) { }
    T Evaluate(const SurfaceInteraction &si) const {
        Vector3f dpdx, dpdy;
        Point3f P = mapping->Map(si, &dpdx, &dpdy);
        return FBm(P, dpdx, dpdy, omega, octaves);

    std::unique_ptr<TextureMapping3D> mapping;
    const Float omega;
    const int octaves;
template <typename T>
class WrinkledTexture : public Texture<T> {
    WrinkledTexture(std::unique_ptr<TextureMapping3D> mapping, int octaves,
                    Float omega)
        : mapping(std::move(mapping)), omega(omega), octaves(octaves) {}
    T Evaluate(const SurfaceInteraction &si) const {
        Vector3f dpdx, dpdy;
        Point3f p = mapping->Map(si, &dpdx, &dpdy);
        return Turbulence(p, dpdx, dpdy, omega, octaves);

    std::unique_ptr<TextureMapping3D> mapping;
    Float omega;
    int octaves;

Windy Waves


template <typename T>
class WindyTexture : public Texture<T> {
    WindyTexture(std::unique_ptr<TextureMapping3D> mapping)
        : mapping(std::move(mapping)) { }
    T Evaluate(const SurfaceInteraction &si) const {
        Vector3f dpdx, dpdy;
        Point3f P = mapping->Map(si, &dpdx, &dpdy);
        Float windStrength = FBm(.1f * P, .1f * dpdx, .1f * dpdy, .5, 3);
        Float waveHeight = FBm(P, dpdx, dpdy, .5, 6);
        return std::abs(windStrength) * waveHeight;

    std::unique_ptr<TextureMapping3D> mapping;



class MarbleTexture : public Texture<Spectrum> {
     MarbleTexture(std::unique_ptr<TextureMapping3D> mapping, int octaves,
                   Float omega, Float scale, Float variation)
        : mapping(std::move(mapping)), octaves(octaves), omega(omega),
          scale(scale), variation(variation) { }
    Spectrum Evaluate(const SurfaceInteraction &si) const {
        Vector3f dpdx, dpdy;
        Point3f p = mapping->Map(si, &dpdx, &dpdy);
        p *= scale;
        Float marble = p.y + variation * 
                       FBm(p, scale * dpdx, scale * dpdy, omega, octaves);
        Float t = .5f + .5f * std::sin(marble);

        // Evaluate marble spline at t
        static Float c[][3] = { { .58f, .58f, .6f }, { .58f, .58f, .6f  }, { .58f, .58f, .6f }, 
                                {  .5f,  .5f, .5f }, {  .6f, .59f, .58f }, { .58f, .58f, .6f },
                                { .58f, .58f, .6f }, {  .2f, . 2f, .33f }, { .58f, .58f, .6f }, };
        #define NC  sizeof(c) / sizeof(c[0])
        #define NSEG (NC-3)

        int first = std::floor(t * NSEG);
        t = (t * NSEG - first);
        Spectrum c0 = Spectrum::FromRGB(c[first]);
        Spectrum c1 = Spectrum::FromRGB(c[first+1]);
        Spectrum c2 = Spectrum::FromRGB(c[first+2]);
        Spectrum c3 = Spectrum::FromRGB(c[first+3]);

        // Bezier spline evaluated with de Castilejau's algorithm    
        Spectrum s0 = (1.f - t) * c0 + t * c1;
        Spectrum s1 = (1.f - t) * c1 + t * c2;
        Spectrum s2 = (1.f - t) * c2 + t * c3;
        s0 = (1.f - t) * s0 + t * s1;
        s1 = (1.f - t) * s1 + t * s2;

        // Extra scale of 1.5 to increase variation among colors
        return 1.5f * ((1.f - t) * s0 + t * s1);

    std::unique_ptr<TextureMapping3D> mapping;
    const int octaves;
    const Float omega, scale, variation;
